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💾  Version 24.1.27

🗓️  Updated on Feb-2024

🛡️  CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

📗  librus.app

📋 Info


Nosso Project integra ferramentas geralmente achadas em eReaders (Dictionary, tipo de letra, fundo de contraste, espaço entre-linhas, etc)


Para realizar ajustes tipográficos (letras, linhas, parágrafos, cor de fundo, e links) clique no botão Aa e escolha dentre as opções abaixo. Suas preferências ficam gravadas e valem para as outras páginas deste site. Para reverter, clique no botão em vermelho e refresque a página.

text_increaseLetras maiores
text_decreaseLetras menores
format_align_justifyParágrafo justificado
SeTipo serifa
SaTipo sem-serifa
MoTipo mono-espaço
density_smallEntrelinhas estreitas
density_largeEntrelinhas largas
 Fundo amarelo
 Fundo verde
 Fundo rosa
restart_altReverter tudo


Os botões no canto superior direito pertencem à ferramenta Hypothes.is e realizam as seguintes funções:

Mostrar/esconder barra de anotações
Mostras/esconder anotações (grifados em amarelo)
Criar nova anotação de página


The setup librus for your own usage, follow these steps:

  1. Load your study material 1 into book-(x).md. It displays in second column.

  2. Set book links to target=”ext” (or modify ext-links.js) which will open in the third column.

  3. Use the buttons in the top right as is 2 or reconfigure them as you wish.

  4. Fill in or create other pages, as desired. Don’t forget the front matter.

Free books

Project Gutenberg - https://www.gutenberg.org

Sherlock Holmes - https://sherlock-holm.es/ascii

Design inspiration from:

Retype - https://retype.com

Slate - https://github.com/slatedocs/slate

LibDoc - https://github.com/olivier3lanc/Jekyll-LibDoc

Code hosting & wrangling from:

Github Pages - https://pages.github.com

Jekyll - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/github-pages

Kramdown - https://kramdown.gettalong.org/syntax.html

Free code advice from:

W3 Schools - https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_add_class.asp

Stack Overflow - https://stackoverflow.com

Allejo - https://allejo.io/projects/jekyll/projects

Third party free-tier services from:

Hypothes.is - https://web.hypothes.is/everyone

Whereby - https://whereby.com

Crisp - https://crisp.chat/en

Testimonial - https://testimonial.to

Open source info & services from:

Wikipedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org

Wikicionário - https://en.m.wiktionary.org

Google Maps - https://maps.google.com

🚨 Warning: Check if the site you are linking to allows it to be loaded into an iframe.

💡 Hint: Since this platform is responsive, use the mobile URL, if one exists (i.e. m.wikipedia.org instead of wikipedia.org).

📝 Note: We are using Jekyll SSG with Kramdown but you are free to modify it to your liking.

📋 Report: Our Lighthouse report can be viewed here (Hypothes.is turned off and iframe empty)




  1. MD-formatted, mind its copyright license and its fair use. 

  2. Some builtin services require signup, but all have a free tier. 

On your mobile? Use it on landscape mode.